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Sod Installation & New Grass Planting For Huntsville Homes

Sod installation

Having a vibrant, picture-perfect lawn is more accessible than ever for Huntsville homeowners, thanks to professional sod installation by Southern Edge Outdoor Solutions. We specialize in helping homeowners select from several different grass types and then follow up with expert installation and adjustments. In no time at all, you'll be able to open your front door and see a gorgeous swath of green, healthy grass looking back at you!

New Grass Planting

The exterior of your home looks flawless except for one thing: it lacks the shiny, vibrant grass that really kicks up its curb appeal. We know that no homeowner wants a yard made of dirt. That's why we offer sod installation to local residents that will yield a lawn worthy of their beautiful homes. Sod is a quick solution that doesn't require a crazy amount of maintenance once it's put down, making it ideal for those homeowners who aren't exactly lawn experts. Some of the benefits of sod are as follows:

  • Fresh lawn in an instant. Sod installation is a quick and convenient way to obtain the magazine-worthy lawn of your dreams. Professional landscapers can lay out sod as easily as if it were a lush, green rug, leaving you with gorgeous grass in as little as a day, depending on the size of your property. Those instant results sure beat the year-long growing time that comes with grass seeds.
  • Lower maintenance. As opposed to grass seeds that will need more constant care, sod requires much less attention once it's installed. It's already a mature plant, so you won't have to go through the usual growing steps and purchase things like fertilizer and insecticides. Just be sure that it's getting adequate hydration and the sod itself will handle the rest.
  • Fast rooting. After sod installation is complete, it typically only takes 10-14 days for the sod to develop shallow roots and only a few weeks for it to firmly plant into your soil.
  • Lawn mower-ready. Once the initial two-week period is up after your sod installation, you can go ahead and start your landscaping routine. At this point, sod is rooted enough to undergo mowing and can also withstand foot traffic from your kids and pets playing outside.
  • No mud or erosion. Unlike seeding, sod can withstand heavy rainstorms without washing away. Furthermore, because sod is installed and roots quickly, you won't have to deal with that unpleasant period where your yard consists mainly of dirt and mud while waiting for seeds to grow.

The Area's Top Landscaping Expert

Finding a top-notch landscaping company for Huntsville doesn't have to be like finding a needle in a haystack. With Southern Edge Outdoor Solutions at your disposal, you have access to all the services you need to keep your lawn and outdoor living spaces looking exceptional. We provide landscaping services like trimming and mowing, as well as mulch installation, planting, and seasonal clean-up. We can also take on more complex projects like water features, fireplaces, and more. We're proud to be your one-stop shop for all things landscaping-related, and we can't wait for the chance to serve you! Call us today for sod installation and other landscaping services in Huntsville, and let us get your lawn looking its best!

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